Three of the Worst Trading Systems (ever)

an exclusive report by Collective2,
the trading system evaluation service

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Why a report about failure?

  • Because the Internet is filled with fairy-tales about "trading systems" that make people rich.
  • Because our industry (yes, we're ashamed it is our industry) is filled with charlatans, boobs, and knuckleheads.
  • Because failure is more interesting than success. Not just in a snarky, let's-kick-people-when-they're-down kind of way. But because you can learn from failure.

When trading systems fail, it gives investors a chance to ask questions. Were there warning signs? Did the systems have something in common?

These three trading systems were available on the Collective2 platform. Real people subscribed to them. Real people used Collective2's AutoTrade technology to trade these systems in real brokerage accounts. Real people lost money.

Lots of money.